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2025 Elections

Executive Board Elections Logo

2025 Executive Board Candidate Slate

Click on the candidate's name to view their Candidate Profile. Voting will be open from March 6 - March 20.


How to Vote: Voting members were sent a link to their ballot with a unique code on March 6 and March 13. Using this unique code is the only way to vote.

  • Do not share your code with others.
  • Each code allows for one vote, which will be attached to the member it was originally assigned to.
  • If you cannot locate the email with the ballot link, please check your spam folder, then reach out to


Joyce Agyare Headshot

Joyce Agyare

Candidate Profile | Candidate Video

Independent Educational Consultant


Dan Marschner Headshot

Daniel Marschner

Candidate Profile | Candidate Video

Loyola Marymount University

United States

Vice President for Admissions Practices

Chris Payne

Chris Payne

Candidate Profile | Candidate Video

Collingwood School


Claire Wilkins

Claire Wilkins

Candidate Profile | Candidate Video

German Swiss International School

Hong Kong

Vice President for Communications

Luke Devlin Headshot

Lukas Devlin (incumbent)

Candidate Profile | Candidate Video

Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong


Alana Green Headshot

Alana Green

Candidate Profile | Candidate Video

The University of British Columbia


Vice President for Finance

Shilpa Gupta Headshot

Shilpa Gupta (incumbent)

Candidate Profile | Candidate Video

United World College Southeast Asia, Dover


Kyle Strothmann Headshot

Kyle Strothmann

Candidate Profile | Candidate Video

Edvice London

Great Britain

Vice President for Professional Development

Marsha Oshima Headshot

Marsha Oshima (incumbent)

Candidate Profile | Candidate Video

International School of Geneva,
La Grande Boissiere


Natalie Smith Headshot

Natalie Smith

Candidate Profile | Candidate Video

TASIS England

Great Britain

Anna Wise Headshot

Anna Wise

Candidate Profile | Candidate Video

Hamilton College

United States

2025 Election Statistics

As of Tuesday, March 18 at 80AM Eastern Time, 19% of voting members have submitted their votes.

Regional Voting Participation (as of March 18)

Each year International ACAC elects members to the Executive Board, in accordance with our association bylaws. The election process consists of the following three stages:

In any given year there will be a different number of Vice President (VP) and Representative to the Executive Board positions open for election, depending on how many Board members' terms are expiring. Board members may also choose to run for a second term. The volunteer committee that is responsible for coordinating this process is the Governance & Nominating Committee. Learn more about Voter Eligibility.

Stage 1: Information and Promotion

2025 Executive Board Positions

Click on the position title above for more information regarding the roles responsibilities, required knowledge and skills, and time commitment.

Questions about Board Service?

Getting Involved: Member Engagement Webinar

Watch the Member Engagement Webinar How to Get Involved with International ACAC from December 11, 2024.



Stage 2: Application

To apply for an open position on the Executive Board, members must submit the following:

  1. Executive Board Application
  2. Institutional Support Agreement
  3. Current Resume/CV
  4. Application Video

1. Executive Board Application

The Governance & Nominating Committee (GNC) uses many criteria - including International ACAC Board service, volunteer experience, committee service, institutional support, leadership, reliability, event planning/organization experience, and service on other volunteer boards when considering an application. Whenever possible, the GNC shall make every effort to provide a geographic and institutional balance which roughly parallels the geographic and institutional diversity of International ACAC’s voting membership.

2. Institutional Support Agreement

All candidates running for election to the Board do so with the understanding that this is a volunteer position, however, they must be willing to commit an average of 3-8 hours per week. There will be times of the year when this is much less, and times when more support is required. It is important for the candidate to have both the understanding and support of their supervisor and institution.


President-Elect Institutional Support Agreement
Vice President Institutional Support Agreement

3. Current Resume/CV

Candidates are asked to provide their most recent resume or CV to display their professional experience. This can be submitted directly in the application form or can be emailed to the GNC ( as long as it is received before the application deadline. 

4. Application Video

Candidate videos are shared with membership during the election period. The video should be 60-80 seconds long and filmed using a phone camera in the vertical position (portrait mode, not landscape). In your video, you should answer two questions:

  1. Why are you applying for this particular position?
  2. What does volunteer leadership mean to you?

You may upload your video to the application form or email it to Videos must be submitted by the application deadline.

Application Questions

The application has five short-answer questions. Please review the questions here to prepare your responses. Your response may be up to 2500 characters long (approximately 300-350 words).

  1. International ACAC Volunteer Experience: Share why you want to volunteer for a leadership role for International ACAC and why this particular position. You will address this in your video, but expand on why you want to volunteer for a leadership role for International ACAC and why this position in particular. Include your involvement or leadership tenure.
  2. Previous Experience in Volunteering and Leadership: Detail experiences that have equipped you with skills and insights applicable to the position you're applying for, including your leadership philosophy and strategies for effectively managing and leading a volunteer committee, emphasizing communication, collaboration, recognition, and transferable accomplishments.
  3. Understanding of the Role and Sharing Innovations and Vision: Outline your comprehension of the role you are applying for, specifying priority areas, overall vision and challenges that you would like to address, and innovative solutions you would like to implement, while acknowledging current practices or programs you feel are effective.
  4. Advocacy Priorities in College Admissions or International Education: Identify and articulate a critical issue in college admissions for international students that you would like to or have championed, emphasizing its importance and potential impact on the community.
  5. Supporting International ACAC's Strategic Plan: Explain how you would leverage the position to contribute to International ACAC's strategic plan, aligning your goals with the organization's three pillars: enhancing member experience globally, clarifying the international brand, and optimizing internal operations.


Candidate responses to these questions are shared with membership during the election period to help members better know the candidates.

International ACAC is committed to maintaining diversity on its Executive Board.

Should financing travel to Executive Board meetings become a barrier to service, on an as-needed basis International ACAC will supplement the contribution. However, this only occurs when the Executive Board members institution, organization, or company clearly demonstrates that it does not have the financial resources to contribute towards the cost of attendance. Please contact immediate Past-President Michelle Chow-Liu with further questions. 

Stage 3: 2025 Election

2025 Election Timeline

December 12, 2024

Applications Open

February 8, 2025

Application Deadline

March 4, 2025

Candidate Slate Released
March 6, 2025 Voting Opens
March 20, 2025 Voting Closes

March 25, 2025

Election Results Announced


*2025 Election Timeline dates are subject to change*

Governance and Nominating Committee (GNC)

Get to know the GNC! The Governance & Nominating Committee (GNC) consists of members who have been appointed by the immediate Past President to support the election process. They consist of members who have extensive knowledge of the association, individuals who bring unique skills to the election process, and members who represent different underrepresented voices in International ACAC.

The Governance & Nominating Committee has three main responsibilities during the election process:

  1. Educating members about the election process.
  2. Helping to identify and encourage members to apply for open Board positions.
  3. Reviewing applications to ensure individuals meet eligibility requirements.
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