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2023 Middle East and North Africa Regional Institute




This Regional Institute was aimed at connecting secondary school counselors within the Middle East and North Africa Region with post-secondary admission advising tools and networks of post-secondary schools around the world. It was also intended for post-secondary schools around the world who wanted to build connections and deepen their understanding of students in the Middle East and North Africa market.   

Through in-depth and focused conversations and presentations, participants gained a greater understanding of the educational process, admission requirements, fees and scholarships, and the challenges and opportunities students face when applying to a university outside of Middle East and North Africa.   

  • 197 Attendees
  • 105 Post-Secondary Institutions from 15 Countries
  • 75 Secondary School and Independent Counselors from 19 Countries
  • 10 Organizations from 4 Countries 
  • 97 Post-Secondary Institutions attended the College and University Fair


*Attendees - log in to access exclusive session content!

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