"International ACAC is in a pivotal moment to leverage its significant membership growth and diversity to enhance organizational effectiveness, achieve DEIJ goals, and continue to pursue its vision for the profession and its members."
(erolin, j. (2020). DEIJ Assessment Final Report. Erolin Solutions).
Building from the DEIJ Organization Review and the recommendations provided, our association will now take action through incremental work in 0-3 month, 3-6 month, and 6-12 month segments, engaging with members to build the future direction of International ACAC. This will be intense, fast-moving work, with measurable metrics at every point with ongoing reporting and transparency, as we move Forward Together. Members are invited to review the DEIJ organizational assessment report.
Action Plan
Executive Board Planning
Engage in discussion and planning for member communication and action planning.
- Approved Forward Together Action Plan
- Formed FT Rollout Group to manage communication flow to members
- Create Forward Together website for members
Member Communication
Develop and implement a communication plan for engaging members on the assessment results and next steps.
- Website information and feedback
- Email summary and feedback
- Regional presentations and dialogues
- Asynchronous video presentation
- Synchronous "open" presentations and dialogues
Ad-Hoc Strategic Planning Committees and Subcommittees
Establish ad-hoc committees to address specific recommendations with action plans and timeframe.
- Hire an external consultant to lead SP
- Call for members to volunteer for SP subgroups: Regional Engagement, Communications, Leadership Development, Member Development